Worksheets for Couples Therapy

Free Printable Worksheets for Healthier Relationships

Couples therapy worksheets can be invaluable tools for those looking to strengthen their connection and improve their communication skills. This page offers a collection of free printable worksheets designed to support couples in their relationship growth. The relationship therapy worksheets provide structured exercises and prompts that encourage couples to engage in meaningful conversations, reflect on their relationship dynamics, and practice skills to improve communication. Each couples worksheet is written with clear instructions and is designed to be completed together by both partners. They can be used alone or in conjunction with couples therapy.

The couples therapy worksheets below are all completely free! I’ve made them into downloadable PDF files that you can print or save to your computer. Simply click the download button for any of the worksheets, enter your email address, and we’ll send download link directly to your inbox. You’ll need to enter your email address separately for each file you wish to download.

reflective listening worksheet for couples

Reflective Listening Worksheet

The reflective listening worksheet guides couples through a three-part process to improve reflective listening skills: setting the stage, active listening, and reflecting back. It also provides practical tips, examples of Reflective Listening Power Phrases, and resources for additional learning.

relationship check-in questions worksheet for couples

Relationship Check-In Worksheet

The relationship check-in worksheet establishes a framework for couples to have consistent, dedicated time to connect. It a comprehensive list of relationship check-in questions to help guide conversations, and includes a written contract to formalize the commitment to doing check-ins.

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Relationship Expectations Worksheet

The relationship expectations worksheet guides couples to identify and share their expectations for different aspects of the relationship (e.g. communication, intimacy, etc.) and develop strategies to meet each other’s needs through open discussion and collaboration.

premarital counseling questions worksheet for couples

Premarital Counseling Questions Worksheet

The premarital counseling questions worksheet provides thought-provoking questions on topics like intimacy, conflict resolution, family dynamics, and more, guiding couples through important relationship discussions to consider before marriage.

rebuilding trust through storytelling worksheet for couples

Rebuilding Trust Through Storytelling

Rebuilding Trust Through Storytelling is a trust-building exercise where couples co-author a short story exploring the theme of trust. It provides a safe space to express feelings, gain insights, and envision a path toward rebuilding trust within the confines of a fictional narrative.

relationship needs and wants worksheet for couples

Relationship Needs and Wants Worksheet

The relationship needs and wants worksheet guides couples to individually identify their top needs and wants, share and discuss them together, and create a collaborative action plan to fulfill their chosen needs and wants within the relationship.

36 questions that lead to love worksheet for couples

36 Questions That Lead To Love Worksheet

The 36 Questions worksheet fosters intimacy and closeness between partners through thought-provoking questions that encourage vulnerability and open sharing about personal experiences, values, and aspirations.

active listening skills worksheet for couples

Active Listening Worksheet for Couples

The active listening worksheet provides a structured exercise for active listening where couples practice listening and validating by taking turns sharing and reflecting back on each other’s feelings and experiences.

the HEAR technique, an active listening worksheet for couples

Active Listening: The HEAR Technique

The HEAR technique provides a simple framework for practicing active listening. The worksheet guides couples through four steps of active listening: Hearing the whole message
Empathizing with emotions
Asking for clarification
Reflecting back

i feel statements worksheet for couples

“I Feel” Statements Worksheet

“I Feel” Statements is a communication worksheet for couples to learn how to express their feelings without blame using a simple formula. The worksheet shows the difference between “you” vs. “I” statements and includes an exercise for couples to practice this communication tool.

emotions wheel chart

Emotions Wheel Chart

The Emotions Wheel Chart is a visual aid designed to help couples pinpoint and name their emotions with greater accuracy. It can be used in conjunction with other therapeutic exercises and worksheets for couples to enhance their understanding of each other’s emotional experiences.

emotion word game worksheet for couples

Emotion Word Game Worksheet

The Emotion Word Game is a worksheet for couples to playfully expand their emotional vocabulary and understand each other’s feelings more deeply. It’s an exercise to build emotional intimacy and have more meaningful communication within the relationship.

goal setting worksheet for couples

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Relationship Goals

This goal setting worksheet for couples helps partners identify shared relationship goals and transform them into actionable plans using the S.M.A.R.T. criteria. The worksheet provides a structured framework for couples to collaborate on setting and achieving their relationship goals effectively.