Collective Bargaining Agreements

The Maine Labor Relations Board is developing a database of Maine’s public-sector collective bargaining agreements. The goal of this resource is to assist labor organizations and employers during contract negotiations by providing access to other contracts involving similarly situated parties. Once the database is established, parties in negotiations will be able to compare the relevant contracts from the database to their own bargaining proposals or use them to develop new proposals.

Current Agreements

Submit a Collective Bargaining Agreement

We are requesting that Maine’s public-sector unions and employers email the MLRB with copies of all active, non-expired contracts.

Submitting a contract is an easy 3-step process:

  1. Click the “Submit CBA” link. This will open an email that is automatically addressed to the MLRB.
  2. Attach your contract(s) to the email.
  3. Send the email.

Thank you all in advance for your assistance and cooperation in helping to establish the CBA database! We hope this proves to be a long-term resource.