Policies and Procedures

Cal Poly is committed to providing a work environment that is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive or disruptive. All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and civil manner. Employees are expected to inform the department administrator, program manager, Human Resources, Academic Personnel, or Employment Equity if they have reason to believe unprofessional behavior, harassment or other discriminatory acts are occurring.

Program managers and departmental administrators have the responsibility of preventing and eliminating unprofessional behavior, harassment and other discriminatory conduct within their respective areas. If program managers or departmental administrators become aware, either formally or informally, that unprofessional behavior, harassment or other discriminatory acts may be occurring, they must take immediate steps to ensure that the matter is addressed. When the issue or alleged problem is not within their assigned area of responsibility, they should inform Human Resources, Academic Personnel or Employment Equity.


Item Description
Drug Free WorkplaceCal Poly is fully committed to achieving an alcohol and drug-free environment for its students and employees. Federal law requires that Cal Poly create and maintain a drug-free environment and implement a prevention program for students and employees. For additional information, please see the CSU Policies on Alcohol and Controlled Substances in the Workplace.


As part of the Cal Poly's commitment to promote employee health and well-being, Cal Poly has contracted with Community Action EAP, Inc . to help faculty, staff, and their household members resolve personal and workplace challenges. Through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Cal Poly employees and their immediate family members can receive face-to-face counseling, life management services, and other resources aimed at assisting members with a variety of issues, including but not limited to, stress and anxiety, marital, family and relationship issues, grief and depression and substance abuse. EAP services are strictly confidential as required by law. For additional EAP information, please visit the Employment Equity website http://equalopportunity.calpoly.edu/content/eap , or log on to Life Matters by Empathia by visiting http://www.mylifematters.com. In order to access all of the site's capabilities, users are required to use "CalPoly" (not case sensitive) as the login password. Life Matters EAP can be reached at 1-800-367-7474.

If an employee holds both an exempt position and a non-exempt position at the same time, the employee must be considered as non-exempt for pay purposes and is eligible for overtime pay for any hours worked after 40 hours in a week.


Item Description
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) PoliciesThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. Consistent with US Department of Labor regulations, the Human Resources Departmentis responsible for evaluating each position description and determining its exemption status under the FLSA. The CSU and employee unions may negotiate more generous provisions than provided in the FLSA. Additional FLSA information is available on CSU Policies website. The FLSA status for all classifications and skill levels is provided in the CSU Salary Schedule.


Item Description
Gift PolicySee Incompatible Activities


Item Description
Harassment and DiscriminationCal Poly is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which faculty, staff, and students work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and free from unlawful harassment and discrimination.

For information regarding Cal Poly's Harassment and Discrimination Policies, please see the Employment Equity website.


Item Description
I-9 Verification ProcessFederal law requires all U.S. employers to verify the employment eligibility of all individuals hired or rehired on or after November 7, 1986. This includes citizens and non-citizens. Verification of employment eligibility requires proof that the individual is authorized to work in the U.S. and proof of the individual's identity through completion of the I-9 Form. The I-9 Form must be completed within three days of hire. Please see the CSU Employment Policies for additional information.
Incompatible Activities, CSU Employment andAs public employees, CSU employees are public officials subject to laws and regulations on incompatible activities related to conflict of interest, ethics, and use of public information for personal gain. Restricted activities include, but are not limited to, using state time, facilities, equipment, supplies, or confidential information for private gain, receiving extra compensation from the state for performance of duties as a state employee, and receiving personal gifts from anyone seeking to do business with the recipient's appointing authority. Please see the CSU Policies website for additional information on incompatible activities.


Item Description
Job PostingsPosition vacancy announcements shall be posted, at minimum, on the official employment websites for Cal Poly www.calpolyjobs.org and the California State University http://csucareers.calstate.edu/. Management and full-time academic positions are advertised on a broad regional or nationwide basis for at least one month. Staff, athletic coaches, and part-time academic positions are advertised for at least two weeks.


Item Description
Keys to FacilitiesKeys are distributed to employees through Facility Services (Bldg. 70). Employees must present an authorization card signed by their dean, department head or his/her designee and a valid identification card. All keys are the property of the State of California and are issued to employees so they may carry out the responsibilities of their assignment. Employees are responsible for all keys checked out to them and must notify the authorizing department, University Police, and Facility Services if a key is lost.


Item Description
Management EmployeesManagement employees are those CSU employees designated as "management" or "supervisory" under the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act. Employment rights, benefits and conditions are governed by the CSU Management Personnel Plan cited in Title 5 (Division 5) of the California Code of Regulations. Continuation of management assignments is at the pleasure of the President.

Management Personnel Plan employees do not serve a probationary period because their employment is “at will” and they serve at the pleasure of the President or designee. The department administrator must consult with Academic Personnel or Human Resources as appropriate prior to taking any non-retention action. In such cases, the employee may invoke the reconsideration procedure (Reconsideration Procedures.doc).

Minors are subject to state and federal restrictions on the type of work they can perform. This includes minors who are high school graduates or have a certificate of proficiency.


Item Description
NepotismThe University seeks the best possible candidates for management, faculty, and staff positions. Appointments of close relatives in the same or different units or departments may occur as long as the CSU standards are met. Please see the CSU Policies website for detailed information on the CSU Nepotism Policy.
Non-Exempt EmployeesNon-exempt employees are those whose primary work assignment is in a represented or non-represented classification that is determined to be non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Non-exempt employees are subject to the overtime provisions of FLSA and are eligible for overtime and, if permitted by a collective bargaining agreement, compensatory time off.

If an employee holds both a non-exempt position and an exempt position at the same time, the employee must be considered as non-exempt for pay purposes and is eligible for overtime pay for any hours worked after 40 hours in a week.


Item Description
OvertimeOvertime is defined as authorized time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day period by non-exempt employees based on the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and in compliance with the appropriate collective bargaining contract. In certain circumstances, some exempt employees may be eligible for overtime pay.


Item Description
Performance EvaluationThe University requires periodic performance appraisals for each permanent, probationary, or Management Personnel Plan (MPP) employee. Probationary employees are typically evaluated on a quarterly basis during their probationary period, and then are moved to the annual evaluation cycle once permanency is achieved. Temporary employees should be evaluated on a periodic basis as determined by the supervisor.

A supervisor may conduct an evaluation of an employee’s performance at any time to recognize and record outstanding, borderline or unsatisfactory performance.


Item Description
ReassignmentEvery individual in a staff or Management Personnel Plan position accepts and holds employment in a classification subject to reassignment to any position in that classification. Reassignments from one position to another are normally accomplished through the employment application process. However, consistent with classification level, an employee may be reassigned, depending on the campus needs and the best interest of the University. Specific information on reassignments is contained in individual collective bargaining contracts.


Item Description
Sexual Harassment PolicyCal Poly is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which faculty, staff, and students work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and free from unlawful harassment. Assembly Bill 1825 is a state law that mandates all members of the CSU community identified as supervisors to take two (2) hours of sexual harassment prevention training. Each individual identified as a supervisor will be required to take this training on a two (2) year cycle, as well as within the first six (6) months of their assumption of supervisory duties. Information regarding Cal Poly's Sexual Harassment Policy is available on the Employment Equity website.

Student Assistants normally work no more than 20 hours per week during which regular classes are scheduled. Under emergency or unusual situations during the academic year, Student Assistants may work up to 30 hours per week with appropriate administrative approvals. During quarter breaks, a Student Assistant may work a maximum of 40 hours per week.


Item Description
TelecommutingThe University supports the use of a telecommuting work option where appropriate and beneficial to the University and the employee. The opportunity for telecommuting/remote work is at management’s discretion and must take into consideration numerous factors, including the job/position, nature of the work performed, operational needs, impact on the department and employee performance. When telecommuting, the employee assumes specific obligations and responsibilities. Telecommuting arrangements must be memorialized through a Telecommute Agreement. See the University's Telecommuting and Remote Work webpage for details.
Timesheets/Time ReportingTimesheets and leave usage reports must be submitted to Payroll Services by the due date specified on the current Payroll Calendar. Forms and instructions are available on the Payroll Services Forms website. Additional faculty/staff pay information, such as direct deposit information, pay dates and calendars, is available on the Payroll Services website.


Item Description
Vehicle Use PolicyUniversity vehicles shall be used only in the conduct of University business. This means "only when driven in the performance of, or necessary to, or in the course of, the duties of University employment.'' Risk Management is responsible for University vehicles and must determine who meets the qualifying definition of a University employee and who will be authorized to drive on official University or State business. Please see the Risk Management website for additional information.
Volunteer EmployeesVolunteer employees perform work or provide services to the University without remuneration of any kind. They are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. For additional information, please visit the Contracts & Procurement website.


Item Description
Whistleblower PolicyThe Whistleblower Protection Act establishes procedures for employees and applicants for employment to make protected disclosures of improper acts by state agencies or their employees. More information regarding the Whistleblower Protection Policy is available on the Employment Equity website.
Work HoursGeneral policies regarding work schedules, changes in assignments, and holidays are addressed in various collective bargaining agreements and in CSU policies. Normally, full-time staff employees provide services to the university on the basis of a five-day, 40-hour workweek. Most departments and offices maintain business hours from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and employees are scheduled accordingly. Some departments have 24-hour operations which require shift work. Workweek and rest period schedules are established and administered by department administrators. Work schedules are subject to change to accommodate departmental or University needs; any change in an employee's regular schedule will normally be accompanied by reasonable notice.