Contraception, or birth control, involves the deliberate prevention of pregnancy. Common contraceptive methods include, but are not limited to, male and female condoms, oral pills, intrauterine devices, contraceptive patches, and contraceptive implants. The use and availability of contraceptives differs greatly by country and region for economic, religious, and cultural reasons. As of 2021, around 49 percent of women of reproductive age were using contraceptive methods. The region of the Americas had the highest share of women using contraceptives, while West and Central Africa had the lowest, with only 20 percent of women. The most common forms of contraception worldwide are female sterilization, male condoms, and intrauterine devices (IUD).
In the United States, contraceptives are widely available and use is commonplace. In 2022, around 65 percent of women in the U.S. reported using at least one method of contraception in the past 12 months. The types of contraceptives most often used among U.S. women are oral contraceptives and male condoms, however use varies depending on the age group. For example, around half of women aged 18 to 25 years report using oral contraceptives and male condoms, compared to 22 percent of those aged 36 to 49 years. Contraceptive use among sexually active teenagers is essential to avoid unwanted teen pregnancy and prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. However, in 2021, only 52 percent of high school students reported they had used a condom during their last sexual intercourse.
Given the widespread use of contraceptives in the United States it is no surprise that there is a large market for such products. In 2022, the market size of condoms in the United States was estimated at over 1.5 billion U.S. dollars, with this market expected to increase to 2.92 billion dollars by the year 2030. Some of the most commonly used condom brands in the U.S. include Trojan Magnum, Lifestyles, and Durex (Goldcoin, Ramses, Sheik). The female contraceptive market is also substantial, with OTC revenues reaching 664 million U.S. dollars in 2022.
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